



新葡京博彩官网-新葡京app 坐落在湘江之滨、岳麓山下,享有千年学府,金融黄埔之誉。在长期的办学过程中,学院践行实事求是,敢为人先的校训,发扬传道济民、爱国务实、经世致用、兼容并蓄的优良传统,传承博学、睿思、勤勉、致知的优良校风和学风,已经成为中国金融与统计学科人才培养的高地、学术研究的重镇、对外交流的窗口、服务社会的智库。


放眼世界,百年未有之大变局加速演进,科技创新日新月异,人类社会发展面临的不稳定性不确定性明显增加;回望神州,为满足人民对美好生活需求、以高质量发展为主题的远景蓝图已然绘就,中国人民正在为实现两个一百年的宏伟目标接续奋斗。面对人类社会和新时代中国经济社会发展提供的机遇和挑战,全体湖大金统人将勇立时代潮头,立足中国,连接全球,以一流师资队伍,培育一流人才,产出一流成果,提供一流社会服务,为早日建成国内先进、国际知名的一流新葡京博彩官网 ,为中国和人类社会发展讲好中国故事、贡献湖大金统智慧而不忘初心,矢志奋斗。

Dean’s Message

The College of Finance and Statistics, Hunan University is located at the foot of Yuelu Mountain and near Xiangjiang River , which enjoys fine reputation for its long history in education for more than 1000 years and is a national education and research center for finance, insurance and statistics. It’s also a platform offered for international cooperation and intelligent support for social service. In the process of running school , we have been performing the school motto of “seeking truth from the facts, daring to be the first” and carrying forward the fine tradition in such aspects as school spirit and learning style etc.

O, What Chu's elite is stressedwhere never so well expressed. With a number of famous professors and scholars, we insist on the students-oriented education idea, trying to make them to be honest and creative persons , thus aiming at cultivating talents with great quality ,who are creative and skillful at  doing research work with top academic achievements , finally beneficial for the development of finance and statistics industry of China .

During the passed decades, after generations of hard work, the college has developed to a new stage with a complete talents-cultivated system , high level teaching and academic faculties and comprehensive social service ability, which has trained a large number of personnel in the field of finance and statistics, some of whom have taking the leading role in finance and economic industries.

From the global perspective, everything changes quickly and greatly and scientific innovation occurs everyday. As the society develops, the uncertainty and instability that human has to face have increased significantly. From China’ view, a great picture has been drawn where China should develop with high  quality in future to satisfy the demand of our Chinese people for pursuing the better life. Now Chinese people are striving to achieve the great goal of “two-hundred-years”. Facing the opportunities and challenges offered by human society and China in her economic and social development in new times, we should, on our own country and from the global view, dare to cultivate first class talents and produce first class academic papers and offer first class social services by the efforts of our first class faculties and staffs. We hope that the college of finance and statistics will soon become a national advanced and world famous college, thus enriching the contents of Think-tank of Hunan University and also contributing a good story to our great People Republic of China.